■burnside project Personal Question■ |Richard JankovichGerald HammillPaul Searing

1) 名前: Gerald Hammill (luckily, no nicknames)
2) 生年月日: March 7
3) 生まれた場所: St. Petersburg, Florida USA
4) 家族構成: I have one brother who has lived in Japan for over two years now. He plays French Horn in the Tokyo Symphony. My parents still live in Florida.
5) 最も古い音楽の記憶: Some of my earliest memories are of my father playing old folk songs on his acoustic guitar. I also remember being three or four years old, eating at a restaurant with my parents while a lounge band played. It was the first time I had seen an electric guitar and I thought it was really cool.
6) 最初に買ったレコード: Beatles "1967-1970"
7) 最初に行ったコンサート: ) When I was five, my parents took me to see the Carpenters. I have a very good memory of that concert. I still even own the concert tour book.
8) 最近のお気に入りのCD: That's such a hard question because there are too many. Right now I'm really digging the latest Broadcast, Donna Regina and Skullflower albums, a lot of the newer releases on the Kompakt label and this beautiful but obscure folk album from the late-'60s by Ed Askew called "Little Eyes" which just got pressed for the first time.
9) 今までの人生で影響を受けたアルバム3枚: Beatles "Revolver", Velvet Underground and Nico, My Bloody Valentine "Loveless"
10) 今まで影響を受けた3曲: "To Hell With Poverty" by Gang of Four, "A Day In the Life" by the Beatles, and "Move On Up" Curtis Mayfield.
11) 最も影響を受けたアーティスト: Discovering the Beatles when I was a little kid made me want to play guitar, but there are way too many influences that have come since then that are just as important.
12) 最近お気に入りのアーティスト: As far as innovative, definitely have to say pretty much anything the Animal Collective has done. I also really like the new Colder album called "Again."
13) 行ってみたいところ: The international space station would be cool.
14) 週末の過ごし方: Definitely like to sleep in late. Then if the weather is nice, my girlfriend and I will go to Central Park and people watch. If there are any good concerts or DJs playing, I'll spend my evenings doing that. Nothing really too adventurous, just hanging out with good friends or playing with my cat.
15) 好きな映画: "Blow Up" (directed by Michelangelo Antonioni) and more recently "City of God" (directed by Katia Lund and Fernando Meirelles)
16) 好きな俳優: Mark Hammil and Carrie Fisher
17) 最初に読んだ本: "Where the Wild Things Are"
18) 最近読んだ本: "Unkown Legends of Rock 'n' Roll" by Richie Unterberger"
19) 今まで影響を受けた本3冊: "The Little Prince" (Antonie de Saint-Exupery), "A Coney Island of the Mind" (Lawrence Ferlinghetti) and "Letters To a Young Poet" (Rainer Maria Rilke)
20) 最も影響を受けた作家: Lawrence Ferlinghetti
21) 最も尊敬する人: My family
22) 人生が変わった瞬間: Moving to New York
23) 趣味: Record collecting, especially old punk and post-punk albums from the late-'70s and early-'80s. I'm also very interested in world events and politics, so I'm always reading news magazines.
24) 好きな言葉: Nama mugi nama kome nama tamago.
25) 最近興味があること: Mostly music stuff lately. If I'm not doing stuff with the band, I'm either working at the record store or DJ'ing, so I've been really busy lately, but it's mostly been fun.
26) 小さい頃の夢: (What did you want to become when you were a kid?) Luke Skywalker
27) 日本に対する印象: I spent the summer of 1999 in Tokyo and loved the country and the people I met. That was probably my favorite trip I had ever taken and I really want to come back sometime soon.